Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Braverman's

The Braverman's are the family on Parenthood. I am obsessed with the Braverman's... they have so many people in their family that I love. From the grandparents, to baby Nora, oh I would love to be a part of that family, of course only if I wasn't a part of my family of course. I have had the opportunity this semester to work with a young boy who has autism. I have so much respect for him and his family because every day he overcomes so much more than we do on typical days. He is so smart but it takes him a little more time to focus than his peers, but he doesn't give up. The Braverman's really portray so many different aspects of different family life that everyone can relate to. It also let's you peek into how other families may be BEHIND THE SCENES. You never really know how you would react in a certain situation, and I think it is important to see so many different points of view. I'm sorry grey's... Parenthood is my favorite show.


I just saw an article titled "Parents Eating Out With Babies Should Be Charged Extra." Apparently a restaurant in the UK thinks this is acceptable, and this isn't even at the top of the line places... it started at a buffet style place. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Granted even I have been annoyed by crying children, most of the time I am thinking to myself "would the parents think its weird if I went and calmed their baby down for them?" There are definitely places that are not suitable for babies but parents need to learn that on their own, and be able to have a family member or close friend that they trust with their child... or of course hire me. I understand that this is a totally debatable thing, and most people who have kids go out to get away from their kids, and younger people or non-parents usually just do not understand. I just think that it is ridiculously absurd.

it's a different kind of love

"The fact is, in a family, if mom and dad aren't happy, ain't nobody else happy either. The marriage should be prioritized higher than anything else."

I never thought I would have to say this...

Please refrain from making a facebook page for your baby. It has come to my attention that mothers, most likely teen moms, are making facebook pages for their children. This is completely ridiculous. If you want to share photos of your babies, do it on your page. Thanks. If you are trying to get your baby famous, try some commercial auditions or some other stage mom thing. This is so unacceptable I want to vomit. The internet is a prime spot for creeps and weirdos that your children will have to deal with in adolescence, don't put them in these situations before they can even walk. crazies.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

new to the band wagon

Mad Men is my new obsession. I am in the middle of season 3, and I am going to take my time watching it because I cannot watch season 4 until after the holidays. That is when I am giving it to my father, I know this is a selfish gift, but it is not the only thing I am going to give him... But that is not the point of this post.
I love seeing the differences in the times. Of course I want to go back in time and fix every single act of parenting, but I love it. I love seeing how we have learned so much. From the very beginning when a woman is pregnant, back then they could do whatever and didn't think it would harm the baby. I will ask someone to stop smoking even if I just see a pregnant woman in the vicinity. One thing that really interested me was when Grandpa Eugene passed away. The way the police officer told Bets and didn't give a rats ass that Sally was standing right there. The way the parents didn't talk to the children about it, even though Don knows what it was like to lose someone at that age. I cannot even imagine, at any age death is such an emotional and strong subject. Not only should you prepare children for situations like this, but when they actually happen, they will have questions and concerns. Every family goes about with their own ways, depending on beliefs but it is so important to me. I wish I could have alternate scenes for every show I watch.

broken promises

They are what Mary Poppins calls "pie crust promises" ... easily made & easily broken.
Sometimes the people you want to trust are just not trustworthy, or maybe your best friend is not always the best. Sometimes I wonder if it is better to trust a total stranger, why would they lie to me? Why would they tell my secrets? They do not even know me. But then I think, who cares if everyone knows, or what anyone thinks. I am not going to wait around for empty promises, I am building my own.


Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory was a dream for every child. The chocolate river topped off the world made of candy. I am very particular with what candy I like to eat, so that is not my favorite part of the movie. My favorite thing about the book is Charlie's relationship with his Grandpa Joe. My favorite scene is when he gets up out of bed and dances around with Charlie, and I recently read a book that had the PERFECT description of how important family is.
"And I learned everything I needed about family from Charlie and his Grandpa Joe. Vecause that is, for me, was Nana. Although impossibly critical, she was my older pal, my wingman, taking me to school, dancing with me in the living room, and joining in my birthday parties as though she was one of the kids herself. Even today when she visits, we sleep in the same double bed, just like Grandpa Joe and the rest of the family. Nana taught me that even when the rest of the world deserts you, for better or worse, your family will always be there." -Kristin McGuiness

Thursday, October 27, 2011

my home sweet home

Up All Night

It took me a while to figure out if I liked this show or not. I was so excited for it to start up and when I finally saw it, I was mildly disappointed, however it has really started to grow on me. I love that everyone in this show is really quirky, and Maya Rudolph is one of my favorite actresses. I love that it shows the difference in perspectives of two best friends, that are in two totally different places in their own lives, still holding onto their friendship. I also am obsessed with stay at home dads. I think it is such a noble thing for a woman to take off work to raise her children (especially in those first 5 years) and I just love when a man steps up to the plate. Because while I believe a woman can do anything, I believe that parenting is a lot harder than people give stay at home moms credit for... and Men who can do it, I salute them.

because i said so

every mom has their own style...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

trick or treat

If I were to dress up this year, this would be my costume.


No one wants to talk about it. I am included in that group. However I have come upon the subject multiple times with friends and in classes over the last few weeks and I am just going to speak my opinion. I understand that sometimes it needs to happen, I wish it didn't but that is not my business to be in people's drama. Here is my problem- STOP TAKING YOUR DRAMA OUT ON YOUR KIDS. If you and your spouse have children, whether you do purposefully or they were a surprise, they are both of yours, take responsibility for them, and respect them. If you need to argue with your ex, do not do it in front of your kids. Do not turn your kids against their other parent. Focus your energy on being happy with your new lifestyle and not on the anger from the marriage. Try to keep your kids in a stable place, if possible keep them in the same schools and neighborhoods so their life doesn't turn completely upside down. Love them unconditionally. I do not know much about divorce, I have taken a course on it and I just feel so badly for the children.

the nightmare before christmas

Halloween is less than a week away and I am already on the bus to Christmas morning. Less than 2 months. I wrapped my first Christmas present today and I am just so excited to finish my shopping and wrap more gifts and see the joy on peoples faces as they open them.

never say never

Most of the time, New years is a big time for people to attempt make changes. Go to the gym. Be more productive. Contact Old friends. Whatever their "resolutions" may be. This year, I may be a bit late, or a bit early depending on how you look at it, but at least I'm there. School has been overwhelming so while I may have cut a few things out of my life, I have also added going to the gym to release stress, and give me more energy. I will never be someone who enjoys going to the gym, but I have noticed lately so many changes, that I definitely enjoy how it makes me feel. To go along with these new things it has been really interesting because a friend sent me a video of a man who was told he would never walk after a severe car accident and he never gave up and he did. I had a guest speaker in my class who has autism, and he was so inspirational. He did not have language skills until he was seven years old, and now at 23 he has graduated college, has his masters, and is applying to law schools. I also had a speaker recently whose daughter has cystic fibrosis and she has survived twenty years and counting past the time the doctors gave her. These people all have such strong family support and great parents to help them on their paths. It is so important for parents to believe in their children, and their dreams. "The only thing that is impossible is impossibility"- Phineas & Ferb I am so grateful for my life, and my health, and I would never compare my life to these people who have overcame such things. However, thanks to them I have some inspiration. If they can never give up on these great things in life, the things that I want that seem so little in a spectrum compared to their situations, must be just around the corner.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


I do not know a single person who likes doing laundry. I personally would pick any other household or even garden before volunteering to do laundry. It is very annoying because although you can do other things while it is actually washing & drying it is still a royal pain. Especially folding and hanging up clothes and putting them away when you are done. I am very excited because in a few weeks I get to take down my bin of winter sweaters and jackets and exchange them in my closet with my summer dresses. While some of these sweaters will not be as cute or in style as they were last year I always keep them for at least a year, just to be sure!

When the seasons change it is a good time to clean out your dirty laundry, and your childrens as well. Have them try on their clothes and see what still fits, what is getting raggy, and what is just out of style. Make a keep pile, a possible sell pile if you are into that, and a give away pile. It can be fun for them to get out clothes from the previous year that they loved and look forward to giving away, and you can even make a reward system, for a certain amount of clothes given away, they can get one new item.

no drama mama

I think it is ridiculous when moms get in their childrens drama. If it is just gossip, let it be. Hopefully you have taught your children to be respectful and to stand up for themselves when needed. Unless your child is physically or emotionally abused, it is good for them to have a little bit of drama to help them problem solve and become stronger. It also will help them to learn for themselves who their real friends are. Their real friends will stick up for them, and be there for them when they need them.

Monday, September 19, 2011

To Do lists

I am a procrastinator, but I absolutely love when I finish everything I needed to do, even if it is at the last minute. I usually will do 3/4 of the things I need to do and then keep a couple things waiting, just because I am one of those people who likes working against a deadline... Apparently it is very thrilling. But I recently read this quote and it has really helped me finish my tasks at hand.

“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it.”

Costumes and toys

With Halloween coming up, YES IT IS ALMOST OCTOBER... You need to start thinking about costumes, for yourself and your little ones. As a parent you need to be something kid friendly, that doesn't mean it cannot be cute, but it DEFINITELY CANNOT BE SLUTTY. For the kiddos, it is so much fun to make a costume together, or you can spend a ridiculous amount of money on a costume... (Something I do not recommend unless you have multiple children who can have the option of wearing the costume in later years.) But costumes are not only for Halloween, they make great toys! Your kids will entertain themselves for hours if you let them dress up together and play in character.


I have said it before and I will say it again. I HATE TATTOOS. I hate the NY INK show ESPECIALLY because their logo is the statue of liberty all tatted up. So un-classy. BUT this is just ridiculous.

every day is independence day

Things that make me proud to be an American.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fall Favorites

Everything gets better in the fall. The weather, the clothes, even the television shows.

Make note of these things when your children are complaining of jumping back into the routine of what they think of with the word fall-back to school. Make sure to emphasize the good parts and even use them as rewards and benefits for starting off the school year on a positive note.

Never Forget

-where you were
-what you were doing
-who you were with
-how you felt
-what you saw

On 9/11/2001 this country was put through the unimaginable. In my mind we have become such a strong community of brothers and sisters and realize how much more than ever we need to be one. Some of our sibling and children were too young to realize what happened, but they can see that it was something terrible to live through. Sitting on my couch watching the second tower get hit on the news was the scariest moment of my life. I think that 9/11 is held closest in my heart of all of the American pasts because it is something I have lived through. I love my friends, I love my family, and I LOVE THIS COUNTRY.
I pray for all of those who lost their loved ones in 9/11 and I am so grateful for our police and firefighters and everyone who has gone overseas and protected this country and the people in it.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


I enjoy reading, but I do not read as much as I would like. Probably because I send so much time on social networking or just having a life. However this weekend I read an amazing book. It was 444 pages of fabulous-ness. I kept telling myself after every chapter that I would go to sleep and read the rest the following day. That did not happen.
Anyways the book was "The Help" which is coming out in theaters August 10th and I just cannot wait to see how they put these characters to life. Although it is a fictional story it talks about real life events that have happened in history and although it takes place in the past, it really wasn't too long ago when there was so much segregation in our world. It has so many lessons that can still be used today, just about treating all people with dignity whether they are rich, poor, black, white, educated or not. We are all here in this world, and it wouldn't do us any harm to help each other out. The book also emphasized how much children learn from their parents, and how their views of people and politics do not stray too far from what they were brought up listening to. I am not saying that their parents were right or wrong, but you need to let your children have their own thoughts and opinions and hear both sides of arguments and make decisions themselves starting early on.
It was an easy read because it flowed and you wanted to know what happened next, but some of the words were hard for me because it was written from the point of view of a very strong southern accent, and I had to say some of the words out loud to understand them. However I recommend this book to anyone and everyone and I hope that the movie can live up to the expectations set by the book.

breast feeding baby doll

I cannot believe there is a breast feeding baby doll. CRAZY. I seriously love teaching children things, and they grasp so much more than most people imagine. I think it is very important to have your children involved when you are bringing another baby into the family, and let them know they are loved and let them help with you. They can rock their baby dolls, and change their clothes, but BABY DOLLS SHOULD NOT PEE,POOP, VOMIT, OR BREAST FEED. I know some people think this is a great idea, and to each their own. But I think it is completely unnecessary, one- because not all women breastfeed, two-because breastfeeding baby-doll promotes that a baby needs a mother for nourishment, and three-becsuse it is just OVER THE FUNYON TOP.


I love the ocean and everything about the beach. Yes, shark week frightens me, but more than anything it excites me. It is a week of learning about this wondrous animal and I think it is important if you are going to spend time in their world, you should know a little bit about them.

Monday, July 18, 2011


When naming your baby, you and your spouse need to be able to decide on something together. Ultimately I believe the mom has the final decision, hopefully your spouse will somewhat agree. I recently read an article about a mother and father who like the nickname "J.R." but they could not agree on what they wanted the initials to stand for as a real name and they have come to the decision to name their child "J.R." sorry to be blunt but I believe this is a little, may I say it, ghetto. I think as your child grows older they should be able to choose if they want to go by their full name or nick name. One comment on this article was naming the child "Jay" and then just agreeing on a middle name that starts with an R... I think this is a very good compromise if they are set on these initials. Anyways I honestly believe a name is something that everyone should have, so ridiculous to not have a name. It just seems lazy.

American Made

Fourth of July and other American Holidays are full of fun with family and friends hanging out in the sun barbecuing and playing in the pool. But do your children know why we celebrate these holidays? I think it is important for even young children to be aware that this is not just a day to party. Even if you are just telling a toddler we are celebrating our country. As they get older you can give them more details about the history of these holidays and even use people you know who serve our country as an example. My six year old cousin asked me on Fourth of July why it was such a big celebration, I probably went into some detail that went over his head, but he now knows that it is independence day, which if nothing less, is now a word in his vocabulary.

it is hard to do, but...

Obviously if your child is hitting another child or being a bully you need to step in. But at home if your child is banging on something or whining, do not respond to it. They will stop. Then when they do something well mannered like say please and thank you, or ask a favor instead of demanding them, REWARD THEM. A reward doesn't have to be a new toy, children feel very rewarded when their good deeds are noticed. Praise them and simply say, "I really like how you are using your manners" or "Thank you for not whining about getting ready for bed." When they realize these actions are noticed and praised they will continue them and use those to get attention instead of being loud and obnoxious.


Children learn how to share from their parents and siblings before they learn at school. One thing I do id=s when I take the kids to the park we take more than enough sand toys so that if there are other children present we can all play peacefully together. I am shocked at how many parents do not bring anything for their kids to the park. If we are going to be there for more than 30 minutes I bring water, a snack, and of course my plethora of toys. I make sure the kids I am with share with the other children at the park and take turns on the swings and the slide, it is just common courtesy. However, some parents do not feel this way, they will let their children bombard your toys and be aggressive on the playground. There is not much you can do besides lead by example. Hopefully they will notice that your kids are much more well behaved and follow your lead.


I think that parents who have multiple children need to make time for one and one time with each of their children. Not just the boys doing boy stuff or the girls going shopping. Dads can show an interest in their daughters activities as well as show them what he is interested in. Moms can play sports and do "boy stuff" as well. I think especially when a first born is introduced to a new baby brother the parents need to both take time to show their older child that this is an addition to the family not a replacement and you will always have time for them as well. It will help them not only with relationships with their parents but they will have less jealousy towards their new sibling.

Car safety

I wish I would have taken a picture so you didn't have to imagine what I am about to describe. The other day in a parking garage a friend of mine pointed out to me a jeep. One of those open jeeps that sometimes has a plastic covering as windows and a roof.. well this one had no walls, just those weird poles overhead, and in the OPEN backseat their was a car-seat. REALLY? Yes, parents are stupid. Even if you are the BEST driver in the world, there are some drunks and reckless drivers who can run you off the road, and even in a safe car these things happen, but are you asking for trouble? I have seen car-seats n front seats and back facing seats facing frontwards, all very unsafe, but this, this takes the cake. This beats Britney holding her baby in her lap while driving.

Theme Parks

Theme parks can be a great thing for families. Not only do families spend time bonding, but many such as SeaWorld and the Zoo are also very educational for young children. However the idea sounds a lot easier than it actually is. No matter how well behaved your own children are, you need to have patience for the other people in the park. Every time I go I see at least one parent who is in over their heads. One toddler was having a meltdown and the father just walked away. I knew the father was trying to get his child to follow him but the child was not budging, being me I had to stay around and wait to make sure he wasn't really being left alone. Another mother freaked out when she saw him alone, and the father came running back explaining himself to her. I would have had the same reaction had I not seen the entire encounter. A mom that I babysit for recently took her three sons to SeaWorld and immediately after entering they were arguing and whining, even the best kids have their off days. She gave them two warnings and on the third strike they left without being there thirty minutes. I praise her for this. The fact that she stuck with her word and followed through is a hard thing to do. Sometimes you have to be stern. Outings like this are a privilege. You do not want to be the family with the kids screaming and the parents are telling their kids never to act like yours.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

alone time

I am a firm believer that everyone needs some time to theirselves. Often I just want to lay around in bed and watch television or read a good book. I like walking by the bay and listening to my iPod or jet listening to the conversations of strangers. I really enjoy my quiet time at work after the kids go to sleep and I just get to collect my thoughts. I think it is important for parents o have one on one time with each other without their children but also have time o themselves even if its just a short walk or a mani pedi.
However, something happened. The past couple days I ant stand to be alone, and when I am alone I am constantly texting or calling someone so I do not feel alone. I wonder if there are people who always feel like this... I wonder if I will go back to my opinion of loving my alone time. Right now I just want to be with people, anyone... Away from my thoughts.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


No one wants to talk about death. Including me, but I am having a very hard time right now with the idea of why things happen. A friend of mine recently passed away, and it was one of those tragic stories you hear about on the news but could never imagine it happening for real. He just graduated college and what should have been the beginning of the rest of hia life turned into him getting hit by a car, and passing away 2 days later.
I am not a religious person, but when something like this happens, I understand why people need faith. I want to believe that there is a reason for him passing and that he has gone to a better place. However right now I am just irate. I think it is ridiculous that if there is a god that he would have any reason to take a nice caring respectful hardworking young man from this earth, breaking the hearts of all of his family and friends.
My mom is religious, she believes in god, and heaven and hell and all of that. I think that is great for her, if it comforts her then good. I think it is good for parents to share their beliefs with ther kids, but not push them into one religion or another. However when thi tragedy happened, the person who made me feel the set about it was my dad. He didn't say anything about him going to a better place, he didn't say things happen for a reason... He just let me cry, we stood there and he wrapped his arms around me and I cries and shook and cursed at the world, and then he cried with me. My dad did not know this friend, but seeing me inthia state and knowing how you g and how much life he still had to live, knowing that was all taken, he cried with me. Whether he would have cried or not doeant matter, the point is that je was there for me, he disnt have to say the right thing he just let me be and let me feel. I still cannot believe what happened, and I do not understand it, however now I get the saying "life is short", because it could end any day.
I want to live life to ita fullest. I want to love someone with all my heart and feel the way my parents feel about each other. I want to have kids and give them everything they need. I want to party hard,and I want to be lazy. I want to travel the world. But most of all I want to spend as much time with the people I love. My family is the most important thing to me, and it is forever growing, my friends are amazing and I love every second I am with them.
Death still doesn't male sense. I know I'm not done crying over what has happened. I know I will deal with more deaths in my life, but until then, I WANT TO LIVE.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Believe in your kids

"Don’t ever let someone tell you that you can’t do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. When people can’t do something themselves, they’re gonna tell you that you can’t do it. You want something, go get it. Period."

Kid humor is so funny!
Christopher - Hey dad, you wanna hear something funny? There was a man who was drowning, and a boat came, and the man on the boat said "Do you need help?" and the man said "God will save me". Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said "God will save me", then he drowned and went to Heaven. Then the man told God, "God, why didn't you save me?" and God said "I sent you two boats, you dummy!"

So if you remember my Rant about Private Practice

So if you remember Betsey went through a horrible time, lost both parents, and her aunt who was supposed to take care of her BAILED. So she got put into the system and foster care, of course something bad had to happen to her AGAIN. So her foster brother abused her and she ends up in the hospital and her foster parents give up on her... REALLY ABC? FUCK YOU. (pardon my french.) Anyways, Naomi who was not there when all of this was happening, decides that she is going to take Betsey home, for good. So now I can watch Private Practice again. Thank God.

Everything will be alright.

Happy Endings

I probably say this about more shows than most people, but Happy Endings is one of the BEST shows on television right now. I am COMPLETELY obsessed with every character and all of the adventures they have. I love my friends and oddly this show really makes me love them more and appreciate how everyone has their quirks, and we complete each other. Every one is in your life for a reason even if they are not in your life for long periods of time.

Monday, May 2, 2011

summer camps

sleep away camps, sports camps, day camps, whatever it is you and your child decide on. Put them in something! You do not need to be with your child every second of their life, and sadly, they do not need you every second. When they are old enough, let them free. I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND IF YOU DO NOT WANT THEM TO SLEEP AWAY FROM HOME. It is a big debate and some of the greatest people I know were not allowed to go to sleepovers until they were 18. But something... YOU will need a break just as much as them and it will be a great experience.

On the camping topic, if your child is going to sleep away camp, make sure they are ready! Practice can't hurt, bust out the tent in the backyard and have a family camp out. Let them know the rules and the risks, but make sure you remind them about how much fun it can be.


obviously I want children, not now, and not soon, but I definitely want babies. Everything I do in life has to do with families and children and I cannot wait for this step in my life. Until then however, I help moms and dads by giving them some time off. I LOVE WHAT I DO. Very rarely will I get so annoyed or stressed or overwhelmed that I want to be off work, because this is what I love. I love the joys and coo's and laughs and all the monumental stages of an infant growing into a toddler and into a young child and so on.

This wasn't supposed to be about my love for babies, so here we go.
No one likes to talk about religion, or politics.
BUT you and your significant other NEED to discuss religion of your children, probably BEFORE you even get married. To some people there is no budging in this situation and it can be a deal breaker. Obviously when your child is old enough they can make this decision for themselves, but baptisms, and other religious traditions for different cultures NEED to be spoken of.

controversial topics

I do not want to or like to talk about controversial topics. I do not like to have conversations about politics. However, these things are going to come up in conversations with your children. Most children get their political views from their parents, which is perfectly fine, that is where it should be. Do not expect them to learn all of this from school, obviously it will be covered, but you need to make sure you talk to your children about what is going on in the world. It is a great way to spend five minute car rides, and just touch on things that will make your child feel like you trust them and think they can understand something like this.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I know I know, kind of weird for the entire family to be in the tub.
i think it is the most precious thing that all Bethenny wanted to do on her birthday was have a bath with her fam. HOW CUTE IS THAT. She is such an amazing mother, and it breaks my heart that she does not have a good relationship with her mom.

Despicable Me

I do not understand how people do not like kids. LIKE REALLY?

Watch this movie, it is amazing. I can only say that. SO EMOTIONAL.


i don't want to be a hypocrite so i will make this entry brief...

exercise is important. I hate it, but I am trying to have a healthier lifestyle, so I do it. Do not make your kids run a mile or do crunches, just keep them active. Sports are expensive, they are amazing for social skills and whatnot but they are not needed. Take your kids to the park, have family outdoor activities, go bike riding, just take a walk. YOUR KIDS WILL LIKE IT.

sex and drugs

As an avid viewer of parenthhod, which I LOVE, I would just like to say you should watch it.

Anyways there are so many different topics you don't want to talk to your kids about, and these same things, they don't want to talk to you about. two of which, SEX AND DRUGS.

sex- really all you can do about it is make sure they are knowledgeable and being safe, then pray for the best.

drugs- hope your children will never get into them. hope they are independent enough not to give into peer pressure. and again make sure they are knowledgeable.

I know it will be full of challenges and obstacles, but that is what makes it so exciting to me. I can wait, I do not want it now... But I just know that is what I want out of life. I cannot wait to deal with every curve ball parenthood has to throw at me.


Sometimes I take my family for granted. I have such a huge family that I do not get to see often enough, mostly because they live all over the country. However we do all get together for holidays which are happy, or when something bad happens. But is that how it should be? I LOVE MY FAMILY SO MUCH. I know everyone works and has school and kids and responsibilities but really is money and material things what is important?

I have been trying to spend more time with my family, and I have been. But I just wish everyone put a little more effort in. It is so good to be around people that you know love you. When you can feel love, that is family.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Sometimes life throws you lemons, and you try to make lemonade, but it just doesn't turn out right.
Sometimes you just want to have some time to feel vulnerable and cry over your disappointments, when you just are not ready to deal with them just yet.
Sometimes you just want to sleep for a very long time and then wake up to be refreshed.

Monday, April 4, 2011

back to life, back to reality

Bravo has a new show, "Pregnant in heels". I wanted to watch it to make fun of these ladies who think they are going to be great moms. However I really ended up enjoying the show. Rosie Pope is amazing and although she has to put up with rich bitches being even bitchier because of their hormone overload, she is fabulous at her job. She really has created an amazing business to get these high end people to realize that while they may be CEO of their company, they have no preparation or no idea what they are getting into as parents. I am a firm believer that parents should either take some sort of parenting/child development class or spend an ample amount of time with babies/toddlers/infants before they have their child, just to know what they are getting into. I am very excited to see what is to come in this season.The preview has shown some very crazy mothers.
One couple held a focus group to name their child. They wanted their sons first impression to be positive.
Another couple was 4 weeks away form the birth and they had absolutely nothing in their nursery and nothing was child proofed. They wanted to keep their home modern and didn't want to see the nursery with baby accessories.

Sometimes she does everything possible to help them and can't but she is amazing and has my dream job. AH
"They were so terrified that the baby would be the center of their world, and it is beautiful to see that he is." -I want to feel this way.

"When I finally see a mom who wasn't excited about having her baby have this glimmer in her eye about this miracle coming their way, it just makes my day. that is my job"

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I do not like them.


Are a lot of work and responsibility. Try your kids out with a fish before you take the leap for a dog.
I am not a cat person, at all. But I love a cat picture every once in awhile.


Life can be a ballroom dance, or it can be full of shit, your job in both cases is to watch where you step..."

Sometimes something beautiful will come out of an accident, and sometimes you have to work very hard to get what you want to achieve. That is life. Take it.

you can fly too...

When you have kids you always want what is best for them. Maybe you see in them something that you once had and you want to help them in areas where you would have wanted advice. Maybe that isn't such a good idea. Whle honesty is key, it is also important to let your children learn from their mistakes and g for their dreams. Just be there for them, so whether they fall or fly, everything will be alright.

letting go

I know it is hard to let your daughters go. Well I do not know first hand, because I do not have children, but I can only imagine. I imagine you want to answer the door when her first date comes to pick her up and say "she moved to China"... or you want to screen every person she talks to and make sure they come from a good family and are headed somewhere in life. What if you really like them as a person, put something just puts you off about them dating your daughter? Parenthood is going through this dilemma, and the daughter sneaks out to be with her "boyfriend"... What could be worse than that. Although he is a VERY nice guy, her parents didn't like them dating, because there is an age difference and he is going through some major struggles that they do not want their daughter to be pulled into. (understandable) But sneaking around can lead to running away. Not good, obviously. Be honest with your children, and they are more likely to be honest with you.
Why can't cute dates happen in real life?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mellow Mayhem?

March is marvelous, I will say it once, and I will say it again, and again. I love everything about March. It doesn't REALLY matter what you do, it just matters who you are with on these important days. Whether you are relaxing and having a few drinks, or going buckwild. It is the same when having a birthday for a child. You do not need to invite every child in the class, bring cupcakes to share with the class, and then only invite a few closest friends to the actual celebration. It is much more meaningful. However it is always fun to go all out.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

limits positive and negative

Whether you are settng a timer, or just sticking to your word, kids need limitations. Limits are not just because they did something wrong, however they can work as a disciplinary action as well. Limiting their television and computer time is a way to start this. Make sure homework and chores are done first, and if you have time, take your kids outside. School does not provide enough outside time at recess anymore and even if you can provide another thirty minutes of outside time, they will benefit.

I grew up on a cul-de-sac and I was thinking about it because I remember Spring Forward was the best time ever, because more light in the evening meant we had more outside time. The rule on our street was once the sun went down and the street lights came on, we all cleaned up and went inside unless an adult was out with us We would spend as much time as possible, roller-blading, riding bicycles, drawing chalk roads and cities, always with friends and having new adventures. I was very lucky, but you do not need these circumstances to have a great time, playing outside with your kids is just as fun for them as if they had a lot of friends, they need social interactions and not just screen time.


My friends started up a design business called WoodWorks. They are just starting up with different graphic designs, but I would like to support them as they grow. Visit them at or contact me if you would like more information.

cuddle buddy

Sick days, rainy days, all I want to do is curl up and watch a movie or a good show with the people I love.

i want to get married

puh-tay-toe, puh-tah-toe

umm this is a perfect potato bear.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I will be Nick's partner and eat the red meat for Bethenny's blog.
Please, where do I sign up?

Friday, March 11, 2011

helping hand

Whether you are opening the door someone, holding the elevator, or just smiling at someone throughout your day, random acts of kindness can make a very big difference in someone's day. A few days ago I was taking a little girl I watch through a fast food restaurant, usually the people who work at these establishments are nice enough but just get you in and out as quickly as possible. On this specific day I had the best customer service I have ever had in my life, the lady was quick and pleasant, but she genuinely cared about my day and smiled the entire time we were there. I wanted to write a letter of appreciation, but I did not catch her name. It definitely made me realize that even being in a good mood is a blessing and can make even the most ordinary experiences become wonderful.

Sadly, Japan is dealing with a very sad tragedy right now. I am grouping it with this blog because immediately after I heard about the earthquake and tsunami I also heard about all of the different countries stepping up to help out their neighbor. Although Japan is very well off and has many resources, they still need support at a time like this and it just makes me realize that there may not be much I can do to directly help Japan, but just helping others on a regular basis is something I would like to do more of.