Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Braverman's

The Braverman's are the family on Parenthood. I am obsessed with the Braverman's... they have so many people in their family that I love. From the grandparents, to baby Nora, oh I would love to be a part of that family, of course only if I wasn't a part of my family of course. I have had the opportunity this semester to work with a young boy who has autism. I have so much respect for him and his family because every day he overcomes so much more than we do on typical days. He is so smart but it takes him a little more time to focus than his peers, but he doesn't give up. The Braverman's really portray so many different aspects of different family life that everyone can relate to. It also let's you peek into how other families may be BEHIND THE SCENES. You never really know how you would react in a certain situation, and I think it is important to see so many different points of view. I'm sorry grey's... Parenthood is my favorite show.


I just saw an article titled "Parents Eating Out With Babies Should Be Charged Extra." Apparently a restaurant in the UK thinks this is acceptable, and this isn't even at the top of the line places... it started at a buffet style place. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Granted even I have been annoyed by crying children, most of the time I am thinking to myself "would the parents think its weird if I went and calmed their baby down for them?" There are definitely places that are not suitable for babies but parents need to learn that on their own, and be able to have a family member or close friend that they trust with their child... or of course hire me. I understand that this is a totally debatable thing, and most people who have kids go out to get away from their kids, and younger people or non-parents usually just do not understand. I just think that it is ridiculously absurd.

it's a different kind of love

"The fact is, in a family, if mom and dad aren't happy, ain't nobody else happy either. The marriage should be prioritized higher than anything else."

I never thought I would have to say this...

Please refrain from making a facebook page for your baby. It has come to my attention that mothers, most likely teen moms, are making facebook pages for their children. This is completely ridiculous. If you want to share photos of your babies, do it on your page. Thanks. If you are trying to get your baby famous, try some commercial auditions or some other stage mom thing. This is so unacceptable I want to vomit. The internet is a prime spot for creeps and weirdos that your children will have to deal with in adolescence, don't put them in these situations before they can even walk. crazies.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

new to the band wagon

Mad Men is my new obsession. I am in the middle of season 3, and I am going to take my time watching it because I cannot watch season 4 until after the holidays. That is when I am giving it to my father, I know this is a selfish gift, but it is not the only thing I am going to give him... But that is not the point of this post.
I love seeing the differences in the times. Of course I want to go back in time and fix every single act of parenting, but I love it. I love seeing how we have learned so much. From the very beginning when a woman is pregnant, back then they could do whatever and didn't think it would harm the baby. I will ask someone to stop smoking even if I just see a pregnant woman in the vicinity. One thing that really interested me was when Grandpa Eugene passed away. The way the police officer told Bets and didn't give a rats ass that Sally was standing right there. The way the parents didn't talk to the children about it, even though Don knows what it was like to lose someone at that age. I cannot even imagine, at any age death is such an emotional and strong subject. Not only should you prepare children for situations like this, but when they actually happen, they will have questions and concerns. Every family goes about with their own ways, depending on beliefs but it is so important to me. I wish I could have alternate scenes for every show I watch.

broken promises

They are what Mary Poppins calls "pie crust promises" ... easily made & easily broken.
Sometimes the people you want to trust are just not trustworthy, or maybe your best friend is not always the best. Sometimes I wonder if it is better to trust a total stranger, why would they lie to me? Why would they tell my secrets? They do not even know me. But then I think, who cares if everyone knows, or what anyone thinks. I am not going to wait around for empty promises, I am building my own.


Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory was a dream for every child. The chocolate river topped off the world made of candy. I am very particular with what candy I like to eat, so that is not my favorite part of the movie. My favorite thing about the book is Charlie's relationship with his Grandpa Joe. My favorite scene is when he gets up out of bed and dances around with Charlie, and I recently read a book that had the PERFECT description of how important family is.
"And I learned everything I needed about family from Charlie and his Grandpa Joe. Vecause that is, for me, was Nana. Although impossibly critical, she was my older pal, my wingman, taking me to school, dancing with me in the living room, and joining in my birthday parties as though she was one of the kids herself. Even today when she visits, we sleep in the same double bed, just like Grandpa Joe and the rest of the family. Nana taught me that even when the rest of the world deserts you, for better or worse, your family will always be there." -Kristin McGuiness