Wednesday, March 23, 2011

letting go

I know it is hard to let your daughters go. Well I do not know first hand, because I do not have children, but I can only imagine. I imagine you want to answer the door when her first date comes to pick her up and say "she moved to China"... or you want to screen every person she talks to and make sure they come from a good family and are headed somewhere in life. What if you really like them as a person, put something just puts you off about them dating your daughter? Parenthood is going through this dilemma, and the daughter sneaks out to be with her "boyfriend"... What could be worse than that. Although he is a VERY nice guy, her parents didn't like them dating, because there is an age difference and he is going through some major struggles that they do not want their daughter to be pulled into. (understandable) But sneaking around can lead to running away. Not good, obviously. Be honest with your children, and they are more likely to be honest with you.
Why can't cute dates happen in real life?

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