Wednesday, October 26, 2011

never say never

Most of the time, New years is a big time for people to attempt make changes. Go to the gym. Be more productive. Contact Old friends. Whatever their "resolutions" may be. This year, I may be a bit late, or a bit early depending on how you look at it, but at least I'm there. School has been overwhelming so while I may have cut a few things out of my life, I have also added going to the gym to release stress, and give me more energy. I will never be someone who enjoys going to the gym, but I have noticed lately so many changes, that I definitely enjoy how it makes me feel. To go along with these new things it has been really interesting because a friend sent me a video of a man who was told he would never walk after a severe car accident and he never gave up and he did. I had a guest speaker in my class who has autism, and he was so inspirational. He did not have language skills until he was seven years old, and now at 23 he has graduated college, has his masters, and is applying to law schools. I also had a speaker recently whose daughter has cystic fibrosis and she has survived twenty years and counting past the time the doctors gave her. These people all have such strong family support and great parents to help them on their paths. It is so important for parents to believe in their children, and their dreams. "The only thing that is impossible is impossibility"- Phineas & Ferb I am so grateful for my life, and my health, and I would never compare my life to these people who have overcame such things. However, thanks to them I have some inspiration. If they can never give up on these great things in life, the things that I want that seem so little in a spectrum compared to their situations, must be just around the corner.

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