Thursday, December 30, 2010

bah humbug

Family. Friends. Food. Drinks. 
What is there not to love?
But once Christmas is over. I am ready for summer.
After all, that is the best part about living in San Diego.

sailing the San Diego bay
riding bikes through the streets of Coronado


One of my best friends, Kelly Anne Balanay, sent me this picture the other day. It relates to us because we are strong believers in therapeutic shopping. However, if I were to say I had a new years resolution list, at the very top would be SHOP LESS. I spend more money than I should on clothing I will wear once. At this point in my life I need to save. If there is one thing my dad would be upset about is my finances, he believes that since I am living at home, I should be able to save save save. I think he is right, and maybe 2011 will be my turning point.

the turning of a page

this year has had many downward points and I am quite happy to see it come to an end. Although there have definitely been some positive spurts I am more excited to say good riddance than to look back at the year. 
I am looking forward to what is in the future.
bring it on.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

a few of my favorite things

 "Beauty is in the eye of the BEE holder."
Reflections are an assignment for schools where children have to make a piece of art or a poem or a story that goes with some kind of prompt. Then teachers and parents judge them and pick a winner. The topic for this one was "beauty" and I thought this was such a creative one for a 3rd grader.
 A pretty flower found on a wilting tree in the middle of a city.
 A waterfall in the middle of San Francisco
 Rose's roses.
and my personal fave, tulips.

be safe

I got carpet cleaner in my eye. 
It hurt.
Flowing water helps but it does impair vision.

 Walking around a corridor at Hogwarts and I had a cup of hot tea.
Another student was apparantly late to class and had to run, so he swung around the corner, back-pack whacking me, and WHAM BAM- burnt throat.
(This is not me) BUT I have had similar bruises. This is of a friend of mine who fell off a float at a parade.

Sometimes things happen that are out of your control. You may look like you have been battered but you have to think positive. You cannot live your life under a rock to stay safe, because that is not living. Things happen, bones break, bruises fade.

winter wonderland

 lord voldermort snow man
 Growing up in San Diego is by far the best experience. I love every aspect of the sun and the beach, and although we do not see a wide variety of seasons, I would not give it up for anything.
 However, I think it is very important for children to see snow. REAL SNOW. Not the artificial stuff that we had snow days with when it was brought into our preschool classes.
All children before the age of 12 should experience making a snow man and sledding.

sorry to offend anyone

 However, I do not think it is an appropriate vacation spot for a FAMILY.
If you really want to take your child to vegas, take them on their 21st birthday. They will appreciate it so much more. Also it is just not an environment where children should be. I understand they may go for a competition of some sort, but if you are planning a vacation, there are so many other amazing things to do that are way more child friendly.

presentation is everything

When presenting something for guests, you do not need to go out and buy decorations for every occassion or have everything look like it is straight out of a magazine. But having your table look clean and uncluttered is always a plus. Adding marshmallows and candy canes to hot cocoa makes it appear so much more desireable. Making a collage out of photos is a fun way to decorate for any birthday, or anniversary. Just making food look like a decoration makes me want to eat it more than if it is laying flat on a plate. Simple things like ribbon that you have around the house can be added to make a little touch of uniqueness without blowing the bank. Whether you are having this months PTA meeting or hosting a soccer party, putting these finishing touches on things is easy and shows people that you enjoy entertaining.

bringing people together

Every year my abuelita makes 200 tamales for our families Christmas Eve gathering. Over the past few years we have made it into a family event with my sisters and some of my cousins. It is a labor intensive project, taking 3 hours to cook the meat, make the masa, moisten the husks, put them all together, and steam them. The deliciousness is what makes it all worth while at the end of the day. It also gives us an excuse to come together as a family and do somethign fun while learning more about different recipes and traditions of my grandmothers past.


I would like to take a minute to make shout out to a fellow blogger.
She made these beautiful pieces of jewlery to frost herself for an icy event.
I would love to have the time and ceativity to make such gorgeous pieces. She uses antique pieces from her grandmothers collection and it just comes out so perfect!

On many occassions people throw out old things, but a simple switch from a clip on earring into a beautiful necklace can bring something back to life. Who says cats are the only thing with multiple lives?

Monday, December 20, 2010

what would you do?


       I recently asked my friends' little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President some day. Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her,'If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?' 
She replied, 'I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people.
Her parents beamed with pride.
'Wow...what a worthy goal.' I told her, 'But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I'll pay you $50.
Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house.'
She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, ' Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50? '
I said, 'Welcome to the Republican Party.'
Her parents still aren't speaking to me.

Don't ruin it for everyone

I was out at dinner the other night and a little girl walked up to the hostess and asked for some crayons to color while she was waiting. This little girl was so adorable and asked with very nice manners. The hostess replied with "I'm sorry! We don't have crayons anymore because some kids were coloring on the walls." the little girl looked very mad, and she said "I know not to do that, I won't color on the walls."
I wanted to pull some beyond and paper out of my purse and make her day, but she politely walked back to her table.
This makes me angry for a couple of reasons.
WHO LET'S THEIR CHILDREN COLOR ON THE WALLS OF A RESTAURANT? REALLY! if you are going to take your children out to dinner, tech them manners. And watch them, maybe the restaurant is being nice enough to provide crayons, do not let them vandalize the establishment.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

where the green grass grows.

"The seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake, you dream about going up there, but that is a big mistake."
-Sebastian, The Little Mermaid

Sometimes you want things to be different.
Sometimes you envy someone else's success.

Honey, sometimes life is full of shit, but sometimes life is a ballroom dance. Your Job in both cases, is to watch where you step.

Do not base your happiness on the happiness of others. 
"Having money is rather like being a blond. It is more fun, but not vital."
Be happy with what you have.

Around the holidays people make lists of things they want. Whether it is something they want as a gift or something they want to do more in the new year. The holidays are so much more than that and I think that corporate America has taken away a lot of the meanings. The economy sucks, people may not be able to buy presents, but just being together and sharing time and love should be enough. Instead of being sad that you didn't get the one thing you really wanted, think about the things you need.
Food. Shelter. Love. 

someone get married


I want to get married at my house. With Five Guys Catering, Very casual. All of my friends and family celebrating with me.
 But I love to go to gorgeous weddings on the beach, in a barn, or in Europe. So hey friends, get on that wedding stuff. I'll plan your bachelorette parties.

Kids are funny.

You're a good man Charlie Brown.
A little mini Santa Claus.

the weather outside is

or delightful?
i love San Diego.
It may be 88 degrees one day.
Or pouring rain the next.

Oh Dr. Seuss, what a way with words.
But there are so many fun adventures to be had this time of year. From snuggling up by the fireplace with cookies, to driving around pepper drive with hot cocoa and best friends.

grand finale.

finals. check.
margarita. check.
holiday shopping. check.

This semester I overloaded and it was intense. Taking 8 classes may not have been the best decision of my life, but I obviously didn't learn my lesson since I am doing it next semester as well. But this winter break will be filled with the laughter of my friends, the warmth of my family, the coziness of my bed, and the joy of the new year. Looking back 2010 was definitely not a year I care to remember. A lot of things in my life fell apart, from my heart to my computer. Relationships end for a reason and I do not regret anything about it. I loved and I will love again. Electronics are as horrible as they are helpful. I went through two cameras, two phones, and hopefully will be able to salvage my computer back to life instead of purchasing a new one. My accord has been like the little engine, and every day when I turn the key I picture the little train strutting it's stuff over the hill, "I THINK I CAN I THINK I CAN..." and it can. I just need it to get me through my college years. I learned a lot about myself this year and I cannot wait to move into the new year and see what will come of it. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Feliz Navidad

really ABC family?

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is not a Christmas movie. It does not even take place in the winter. Can you please think of TWENTY FIVE LEGITIMATE CHRISTMAS MOVIES to play for the 25 days of Christmas? Thank you.

cannot wait to snuggle on the BCC and watch all of these!


goodbyes are not easy.
when a child is leaving for their first day of school. when a family member is going over seas. when a best friend is moving to a different city. when your favorite television show gets canceled. saying good bye is never fun.
when you have to say good bye to someone what do you do?
think about all of the happy times, and focus on the good instead of the heartbreak.

I am very sad that Parenthood will not be returning to NBC, but I am very happy with the way the season ended, with a lovely big thanksgiving and no neglecting of children (cough-Private practice)

playing with matches

and you wonder who started the fire?

I love Patty, she is amazing and hilarious and tells you how it is. Sometimes I wish I could be as blunt as she is and tell people in my group projects that they do not deserve the A I got us on a project. But when I am having these thoughts I also wonder, what would Patty tell me? I know I do not get ready half as much as she would think necessary, but I do not find it necessary to get all dressed up for school. She would also tell me that I need to work out, which I do... but I don't care, I am healthy and a number is just a number. She is honest, but then again, I don't want someone to love me because I can work a L.B.D. I want someone to love me for me, with my uggs on and sweats and a messy bun and a big T.

awkward moments

Life is full of awkward moments. It isn't so bad when you are with your family, because they are family, and have to take you as you are... But maybe sometimes it makes it worse, a stranger you can walk away from and never see them again after you accidently eat some cheese in the dairy isle of the local supermarket. But family, oh family might never let you live it down.

Think about these things when you tell a funny story about what happened to someone else. It might not be as funny to them as it was to you, and they will remember how you reacted if the tables ever turn

people let me tell ya about


Hopefully your friends like whoever you are married to.
Hopefully you can all hangout.
Hopefully she would risk her life saving his.
And hopefully he would do everything in his power to pay her back.

good cop bad cop

I do not care how equal you thinkl your relationship with your spouse is. Every child knows when to ask mom or dad, and who willsay yes to what. This is inevitable, and will always happen, but make sure you do communicate with your spouse so it doesn't get to an extreme of something you absolutely do not approve of.
Okay Phil Dumphey.


it is easy to do simple tasks or chores from an early age, and whether your child is rewarded somehow or receives an allowance, it is healthy for them to have some responsibility with the upkeep around the house.
folding laundry.
washing dishes.
feeding the dog.
making the bed.
taking out the trash.
oh hot mama.
i love cougar town, i really really do, but honestly, who looks like this?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


When your child meets someone for the first time, how much do they tell them?
I once was meeting a family to babysit for the first time and the mom was still getting ready when I arrived, so she let me in and sent me on a tour with one of the children. Most of the tour was simple and funny things a 5 year old would say like "this is the litter box, it stinks." As we got into the den area of their room there was a couch and the child said, "this couch turns into a bed, my dad sleeps there when he is bad, this is his dog house." I was cracking up, I did not know how to react, and it was so funny because until this day the mom does not know my first impression of the family. Later on she explained that indeed her husband does sleep in there when he works at 3am and she does not want to be woken up. She may have only made the dog house comment one time, but her child sure caught on! 

Everything about me:
My name is Teresa Morgan. I love food, and ideally would be a food critique, my writing skills may keep me from that dream. I am a child development major which fits me perfectly because more than anything in the world I want to be a mom. I found my first gray hair when I was 19 and still cannot believe I am on my way to grandmotherhood. I have two sisters who I would do absolutely anything for because they are the best people in my life, even when we are screaming at each other. My dad is my hero, and I will probably be a pitting image of my mother when I am older, including her career. I love to travel and want to go everywhere in the world, literally even Antarctica. I will probably never move out of my parents house, and that doesn't bother me one bit. I complain about school, but really I like it and am not in any hurry to be done. I love the holiday season, but summer weather is what has my heart. I have a stuffed panda named Potsie, yes I have had him since I was 1 and he has been to Italy, Greece, and Mexico. I have a fish named Franklin and he is my ideal pet. I am more emotional with movies, television shows, commercials, and previews than I am in real life situations. There is probably not much more you need to know...


you may hate football. you may hate ballet. you may hate the outdoors.
You are allowed to hate all of these things, but you are a parent now, and you need to support your child and the activities they love. Even if this means sitting though a three hour play that your child is in for less than five minutes. Support shows your children that you care about them and that you are proud of their achievements no matter how minuscule they may be in the long run. Not only does one parent need to be there, but both parents should try to make it to at least one game or performance. When you are there for all of the good parts of their childhood they will want you to be there for all of the other important things in their life and keep you in the loop.

This also goes for relationships. Sometimes it is not only about you. You may hate action movies, but every once in awhile, even if it is only every fourth time, let them choose the movie, or better yet decide on your own to see a movie that you know your significant other will enjoy. Little gestures like this make a difference, and don't think it goes unnoticed.