Sunday, May 29, 2011

alone time

I am a firm believer that everyone needs some time to theirselves. Often I just want to lay around in bed and watch television or read a good book. I like walking by the bay and listening to my iPod or jet listening to the conversations of strangers. I really enjoy my quiet time at work after the kids go to sleep and I just get to collect my thoughts. I think it is important for parents o have one on one time with each other without their children but also have time o themselves even if its just a short walk or a mani pedi.
However, something happened. The past couple days I ant stand to be alone, and when I am alone I am constantly texting or calling someone so I do not feel alone. I wonder if there are people who always feel like this... I wonder if I will go back to my opinion of loving my alone time. Right now I just want to be with people, anyone... Away from my thoughts.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


No one wants to talk about death. Including me, but I am having a very hard time right now with the idea of why things happen. A friend of mine recently passed away, and it was one of those tragic stories you hear about on the news but could never imagine it happening for real. He just graduated college and what should have been the beginning of the rest of hia life turned into him getting hit by a car, and passing away 2 days later.
I am not a religious person, but when something like this happens, I understand why people need faith. I want to believe that there is a reason for him passing and that he has gone to a better place. However right now I am just irate. I think it is ridiculous that if there is a god that he would have any reason to take a nice caring respectful hardworking young man from this earth, breaking the hearts of all of his family and friends.
My mom is religious, she believes in god, and heaven and hell and all of that. I think that is great for her, if it comforts her then good. I think it is good for parents to share their beliefs with ther kids, but not push them into one religion or another. However when thi tragedy happened, the person who made me feel the set about it was my dad. He didn't say anything about him going to a better place, he didn't say things happen for a reason... He just let me cry, we stood there and he wrapped his arms around me and I cries and shook and cursed at the world, and then he cried with me. My dad did not know this friend, but seeing me inthia state and knowing how you g and how much life he still had to live, knowing that was all taken, he cried with me. Whether he would have cried or not doeant matter, the point is that je was there for me, he disnt have to say the right thing he just let me be and let me feel. I still cannot believe what happened, and I do not understand it, however now I get the saying "life is short", because it could end any day.
I want to live life to ita fullest. I want to love someone with all my heart and feel the way my parents feel about each other. I want to have kids and give them everything they need. I want to party hard,and I want to be lazy. I want to travel the world. But most of all I want to spend as much time with the people I love. My family is the most important thing to me, and it is forever growing, my friends are amazing and I love every second I am with them.
Death still doesn't male sense. I know I'm not done crying over what has happened. I know I will deal with more deaths in my life, but until then, I WANT TO LIVE.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Believe in your kids

"Don’t ever let someone tell you that you can’t do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. When people can’t do something themselves, they’re gonna tell you that you can’t do it. You want something, go get it. Period."

Kid humor is so funny!
Christopher - Hey dad, you wanna hear something funny? There was a man who was drowning, and a boat came, and the man on the boat said "Do you need help?" and the man said "God will save me". Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said "God will save me", then he drowned and went to Heaven. Then the man told God, "God, why didn't you save me?" and God said "I sent you two boats, you dummy!"

So if you remember my Rant about Private Practice

So if you remember Betsey went through a horrible time, lost both parents, and her aunt who was supposed to take care of her BAILED. So she got put into the system and foster care, of course something bad had to happen to her AGAIN. So her foster brother abused her and she ends up in the hospital and her foster parents give up on her... REALLY ABC? FUCK YOU. (pardon my french.) Anyways, Naomi who was not there when all of this was happening, decides that she is going to take Betsey home, for good. So now I can watch Private Practice again. Thank God.

Everything will be alright.

Happy Endings

I probably say this about more shows than most people, but Happy Endings is one of the BEST shows on television right now. I am COMPLETELY obsessed with every character and all of the adventures they have. I love my friends and oddly this show really makes me love them more and appreciate how everyone has their quirks, and we complete each other. Every one is in your life for a reason even if they are not in your life for long periods of time.

Monday, May 2, 2011

summer camps

sleep away camps, sports camps, day camps, whatever it is you and your child decide on. Put them in something! You do not need to be with your child every second of their life, and sadly, they do not need you every second. When they are old enough, let them free. I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND IF YOU DO NOT WANT THEM TO SLEEP AWAY FROM HOME. It is a big debate and some of the greatest people I know were not allowed to go to sleepovers until they were 18. But something... YOU will need a break just as much as them and it will be a great experience.

On the camping topic, if your child is going to sleep away camp, make sure they are ready! Practice can't hurt, bust out the tent in the backyard and have a family camp out. Let them know the rules and the risks, but make sure you remind them about how much fun it can be.


obviously I want children, not now, and not soon, but I definitely want babies. Everything I do in life has to do with families and children and I cannot wait for this step in my life. Until then however, I help moms and dads by giving them some time off. I LOVE WHAT I DO. Very rarely will I get so annoyed or stressed or overwhelmed that I want to be off work, because this is what I love. I love the joys and coo's and laughs and all the monumental stages of an infant growing into a toddler and into a young child and so on.

This wasn't supposed to be about my love for babies, so here we go.
No one likes to talk about religion, or politics.
BUT you and your significant other NEED to discuss religion of your children, probably BEFORE you even get married. To some people there is no budging in this situation and it can be a deal breaker. Obviously when your child is old enough they can make this decision for themselves, but baptisms, and other religious traditions for different cultures NEED to be spoken of.

controversial topics

I do not want to or like to talk about controversial topics. I do not like to have conversations about politics. However, these things are going to come up in conversations with your children. Most children get their political views from their parents, which is perfectly fine, that is where it should be. Do not expect them to learn all of this from school, obviously it will be covered, but you need to make sure you talk to your children about what is going on in the world. It is a great way to spend five minute car rides, and just touch on things that will make your child feel like you trust them and think they can understand something like this.