Thursday, September 30, 2010


Children go through phases where the only person they want is their mother, or their father. However there is also a stage that comes when they want nothing to do with their parents. No matter what do not let go of your children, they will come back. Their are times when they will do things you dislike, or listen to the peers instead of you, but you have to let them live and learn from their mistakes-- to a certain extent. It is hard to tell when it is okay to intervene, because you may think your child is doing something wrong, when in fact they are not. There should not be a need to force an attachment on your children, as long as they know you are there for them. You may love sports, your child maybe into art, let them explain what they like about it and maybe you could learn a little about it instead of having to force something on them. Children are people too, they need love, affection, understanding, and RESPECT.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Flipping Out

"When Someone steps out of line, which Jeff does, you need to call them on it."
This quote makes me realize that everyone makes mistakes, but how you deal with people is so much more important. When dealing with family and friends, you do not want to ruin those relationships. Also when dealing with people on a professional level you do not want to work with someone and have tension afterwards. It is sometimes very hard to know how to approach a problem, it is important to think before you speak. These things can and will backfire on you. When you se someone getting belittled, it is important to stick up for people. Sometimes they deserve to get a lecture, but many people take it a little farther than needed. All of this said, the show is utterly amazing, I live for it. It really has a character for everyone to relate to. Zoila is obviously my favorite, and she is my favorite person on reality television. I can say that without a second of thought. "Zoila Knows Best", should be the spin-off show of Flipping Out.

Monday, September 27, 2010


This past week I had my first opportunity to attend a Tae Kwon Do (sp?) class. I was amazed by what the children learn there. Of course they are getting their physical exercise and learning about the art of fighting. However, I was much more interested in the discipline the children receive. The kids have to stand when speaking to their instructor and address him as "Sir". They also have to have a signed permission slip from their teachers and parents, saying they are not falling behind in their school work or chores at home. This is an extra curricular activity but while the kids have fun they are learning so many responsibilities and it reinforces what matters. I think that it is a good experience, I am not saying it is better than another sport or activity, I was just very impressed.


More often than not, a spoiled child becomes a spoiled adult. Make an effort to show your child the finer things in life. When I say finer, I mean simple. A child needs love and affection more than toys. When a child is turning one or two years old they are often more excited for the box, bag or tissue paper, than whatever the actual gift is. Realize this, and do not blow your money on every toy that comes out.Your child does not need every doll, or every truck, they will be fine.
By doing this it will not only help your child appreciate, but it will save you money. Money that can be saved to go on a trip, put in a college fund, or buy diapers.

Freeze Frame

 Jennifer Anniston, Christa Miller, and Courtney Cox, make one hell of a cougar cast on this weeks episode of Cougar Town.
This week a new character, "BIG JOE", the wine glass was introduced. Now this is the real deal. Every mother, or every woman for that matter, should have a Big Joe for desperate times. Sometimes we need a glass of wine to take the edge off, and this way we can have one glass and be satisfied.

fish are friends

The story of the rainbow fish with all of his beautiful scales is one of my favorites. For those of you who do not know the story it is about a beautiful rainbow fish who starts out a selfish little creature and does not share the beauty with friends. The rainbow fish wonders why no one wants to play and so the wise octopus suggests sharing. Once the rainbow fish learns to share, he realizes there is so much more to life than beauty. 
I recently thought about this because I started volunteering at the Birch Aquarium. As someone who works with children it made me think of books and movies with sea creatures. The rainbow fish is a symbol of a lot of people, the difference is that some people realize that there is more to life than beauty, and some do not. The people, like the rainbow fish that learn to appreciate friends and the more important things in life, will also be the happier people.Some of life's greatest lessons we learn when we are children.

& I just had to show some love for my boy Nemo.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

no image available

A sonogram is a picture produced from an ultrasound, and an ultrasound is to check the health of the unborn baby. Sonograms should be kept in the family, and put into a baby book once the baby is born. Send out a birth announcement once your baby is born, with an actual photograph. Sonograms should not be posted on facebook, or sent out as a holiday card. I was at a party a few months back and on the refrigerator was a sonogram holiday card with a Santa hat photo shopped onto the little head. UNACCEPTABLE. Your child is going to have to deal with you dressing him or her for their first few Halloweens, and embarrassing them throughout their life. SO PLEASE SAVE THEM THE TORTURE BEFORE THEY ARE BORN.

1991- favorite

"Oh, isn't this amazing - It's my favorite part because, you'll see - Here's where she meets Prince Charming - But she won't discover that it's him - Till chapter three."

no words

Disturbing. "Sister Wives" premiered tonight and this man has three wives, and is courting a fourth. Already he has twelve kids, and one on the way. The new wife would bring along three additional children. What happens in Utah needs to stay in Utah. Why is polygamy being promoted I ask... TLC I am very upset.

Mrs. Clean

It starts with just one pile. Hoarding, is the one television show that can make me be absolutely productive. It makes me want to clean, and give away everything I no longer need. Think about those who are less fortunate, what do you, or your children have that you haven't used in over a year... I am sure there is plenty in your house, hoarded or not, that can be released. Some hoarder's have no hope-- the Duggar's are hoarders of children, and Animal hoarers, I do not know what to tell you.


As much as I love television, it needs to be limited. Children need to be outdoors and be physical. Parents or caregivers need to stimulate the senses and not rely so much on television as a teacher, or a babysitter. Do not even get me started on obesity.

With You I'm Born Again

Friends are the most important thing in life to have, to keep, to hold, and to cherish. You can have a husband, or a lover, but you may find your soul mate in a friend. A soul mate is the one person who will always be there for you, NO MATTER WHAT.

Chut up Yeff!

When Zoila is happy, I am happy.