Sunday, September 25, 2011


I do not know a single person who likes doing laundry. I personally would pick any other household or even garden before volunteering to do laundry. It is very annoying because although you can do other things while it is actually washing & drying it is still a royal pain. Especially folding and hanging up clothes and putting them away when you are done. I am very excited because in a few weeks I get to take down my bin of winter sweaters and jackets and exchange them in my closet with my summer dresses. While some of these sweaters will not be as cute or in style as they were last year I always keep them for at least a year, just to be sure!

When the seasons change it is a good time to clean out your dirty laundry, and your childrens as well. Have them try on their clothes and see what still fits, what is getting raggy, and what is just out of style. Make a keep pile, a possible sell pile if you are into that, and a give away pile. It can be fun for them to get out clothes from the previous year that they loved and look forward to giving away, and you can even make a reward system, for a certain amount of clothes given away, they can get one new item.

no drama mama

I think it is ridiculous when moms get in their childrens drama. If it is just gossip, let it be. Hopefully you have taught your children to be respectful and to stand up for themselves when needed. Unless your child is physically or emotionally abused, it is good for them to have a little bit of drama to help them problem solve and become stronger. It also will help them to learn for themselves who their real friends are. Their real friends will stick up for them, and be there for them when they need them.

Monday, September 19, 2011

To Do lists

I am a procrastinator, but I absolutely love when I finish everything I needed to do, even if it is at the last minute. I usually will do 3/4 of the things I need to do and then keep a couple things waiting, just because I am one of those people who likes working against a deadline... Apparently it is very thrilling. But I recently read this quote and it has really helped me finish my tasks at hand.

“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it.”

Costumes and toys

With Halloween coming up, YES IT IS ALMOST OCTOBER... You need to start thinking about costumes, for yourself and your little ones. As a parent you need to be something kid friendly, that doesn't mean it cannot be cute, but it DEFINITELY CANNOT BE SLUTTY. For the kiddos, it is so much fun to make a costume together, or you can spend a ridiculous amount of money on a costume... (Something I do not recommend unless you have multiple children who can have the option of wearing the costume in later years.) But costumes are not only for Halloween, they make great toys! Your kids will entertain themselves for hours if you let them dress up together and play in character.


I have said it before and I will say it again. I HATE TATTOOS. I hate the NY INK show ESPECIALLY because their logo is the statue of liberty all tatted up. So un-classy. BUT this is just ridiculous.

every day is independence day

Things that make me proud to be an American.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fall Favorites

Everything gets better in the fall. The weather, the clothes, even the television shows.

Make note of these things when your children are complaining of jumping back into the routine of what they think of with the word fall-back to school. Make sure to emphasize the good parts and even use them as rewards and benefits for starting off the school year on a positive note.

Never Forget

-where you were
-what you were doing
-who you were with
-how you felt
-what you saw

On 9/11/2001 this country was put through the unimaginable. In my mind we have become such a strong community of brothers and sisters and realize how much more than ever we need to be one. Some of our sibling and children were too young to realize what happened, but they can see that it was something terrible to live through. Sitting on my couch watching the second tower get hit on the news was the scariest moment of my life. I think that 9/11 is held closest in my heart of all of the American pasts because it is something I have lived through. I love my friends, I love my family, and I LOVE THIS COUNTRY.
I pray for all of those who lost their loved ones in 9/11 and I am so grateful for our police and firefighters and everyone who has gone overseas and protected this country and the people in it.