Sunday, July 31, 2011


I enjoy reading, but I do not read as much as I would like. Probably because I send so much time on social networking or just having a life. However this weekend I read an amazing book. It was 444 pages of fabulous-ness. I kept telling myself after every chapter that I would go to sleep and read the rest the following day. That did not happen.
Anyways the book was "The Help" which is coming out in theaters August 10th and I just cannot wait to see how they put these characters to life. Although it is a fictional story it talks about real life events that have happened in history and although it takes place in the past, it really wasn't too long ago when there was so much segregation in our world. It has so many lessons that can still be used today, just about treating all people with dignity whether they are rich, poor, black, white, educated or not. We are all here in this world, and it wouldn't do us any harm to help each other out. The book also emphasized how much children learn from their parents, and how their views of people and politics do not stray too far from what they were brought up listening to. I am not saying that their parents were right or wrong, but you need to let your children have their own thoughts and opinions and hear both sides of arguments and make decisions themselves starting early on.
It was an easy read because it flowed and you wanted to know what happened next, but some of the words were hard for me because it was written from the point of view of a very strong southern accent, and I had to say some of the words out loud to understand them. However I recommend this book to anyone and everyone and I hope that the movie can live up to the expectations set by the book.

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