Sunday, July 31, 2011


I enjoy reading, but I do not read as much as I would like. Probably because I send so much time on social networking or just having a life. However this weekend I read an amazing book. It was 444 pages of fabulous-ness. I kept telling myself after every chapter that I would go to sleep and read the rest the following day. That did not happen.
Anyways the book was "The Help" which is coming out in theaters August 10th and I just cannot wait to see how they put these characters to life. Although it is a fictional story it talks about real life events that have happened in history and although it takes place in the past, it really wasn't too long ago when there was so much segregation in our world. It has so many lessons that can still be used today, just about treating all people with dignity whether they are rich, poor, black, white, educated or not. We are all here in this world, and it wouldn't do us any harm to help each other out. The book also emphasized how much children learn from their parents, and how their views of people and politics do not stray too far from what they were brought up listening to. I am not saying that their parents were right or wrong, but you need to let your children have their own thoughts and opinions and hear both sides of arguments and make decisions themselves starting early on.
It was an easy read because it flowed and you wanted to know what happened next, but some of the words were hard for me because it was written from the point of view of a very strong southern accent, and I had to say some of the words out loud to understand them. However I recommend this book to anyone and everyone and I hope that the movie can live up to the expectations set by the book.

breast feeding baby doll

I cannot believe there is a breast feeding baby doll. CRAZY. I seriously love teaching children things, and they grasp so much more than most people imagine. I think it is very important to have your children involved when you are bringing another baby into the family, and let them know they are loved and let them help with you. They can rock their baby dolls, and change their clothes, but BABY DOLLS SHOULD NOT PEE,POOP, VOMIT, OR BREAST FEED. I know some people think this is a great idea, and to each their own. But I think it is completely unnecessary, one- because not all women breastfeed, two-because breastfeeding baby-doll promotes that a baby needs a mother for nourishment, and three-becsuse it is just OVER THE FUNYON TOP.


I love the ocean and everything about the beach. Yes, shark week frightens me, but more than anything it excites me. It is a week of learning about this wondrous animal and I think it is important if you are going to spend time in their world, you should know a little bit about them.

Monday, July 18, 2011


When naming your baby, you and your spouse need to be able to decide on something together. Ultimately I believe the mom has the final decision, hopefully your spouse will somewhat agree. I recently read an article about a mother and father who like the nickname "J.R." but they could not agree on what they wanted the initials to stand for as a real name and they have come to the decision to name their child "J.R." sorry to be blunt but I believe this is a little, may I say it, ghetto. I think as your child grows older they should be able to choose if they want to go by their full name or nick name. One comment on this article was naming the child "Jay" and then just agreeing on a middle name that starts with an R... I think this is a very good compromise if they are set on these initials. Anyways I honestly believe a name is something that everyone should have, so ridiculous to not have a name. It just seems lazy.

American Made

Fourth of July and other American Holidays are full of fun with family and friends hanging out in the sun barbecuing and playing in the pool. But do your children know why we celebrate these holidays? I think it is important for even young children to be aware that this is not just a day to party. Even if you are just telling a toddler we are celebrating our country. As they get older you can give them more details about the history of these holidays and even use people you know who serve our country as an example. My six year old cousin asked me on Fourth of July why it was such a big celebration, I probably went into some detail that went over his head, but he now knows that it is independence day, which if nothing less, is now a word in his vocabulary.

it is hard to do, but...

Obviously if your child is hitting another child or being a bully you need to step in. But at home if your child is banging on something or whining, do not respond to it. They will stop. Then when they do something well mannered like say please and thank you, or ask a favor instead of demanding them, REWARD THEM. A reward doesn't have to be a new toy, children feel very rewarded when their good deeds are noticed. Praise them and simply say, "I really like how you are using your manners" or "Thank you for not whining about getting ready for bed." When they realize these actions are noticed and praised they will continue them and use those to get attention instead of being loud and obnoxious.


Children learn how to share from their parents and siblings before they learn at school. One thing I do id=s when I take the kids to the park we take more than enough sand toys so that if there are other children present we can all play peacefully together. I am shocked at how many parents do not bring anything for their kids to the park. If we are going to be there for more than 30 minutes I bring water, a snack, and of course my plethora of toys. I make sure the kids I am with share with the other children at the park and take turns on the swings and the slide, it is just common courtesy. However, some parents do not feel this way, they will let their children bombard your toys and be aggressive on the playground. There is not much you can do besides lead by example. Hopefully they will notice that your kids are much more well behaved and follow your lead.


I think that parents who have multiple children need to make time for one and one time with each of their children. Not just the boys doing boy stuff or the girls going shopping. Dads can show an interest in their daughters activities as well as show them what he is interested in. Moms can play sports and do "boy stuff" as well. I think especially when a first born is introduced to a new baby brother the parents need to both take time to show their older child that this is an addition to the family not a replacement and you will always have time for them as well. It will help them not only with relationships with their parents but they will have less jealousy towards their new sibling.

Car safety

I wish I would have taken a picture so you didn't have to imagine what I am about to describe. The other day in a parking garage a friend of mine pointed out to me a jeep. One of those open jeeps that sometimes has a plastic covering as windows and a roof.. well this one had no walls, just those weird poles overhead, and in the OPEN backseat their was a car-seat. REALLY? Yes, parents are stupid. Even if you are the BEST driver in the world, there are some drunks and reckless drivers who can run you off the road, and even in a safe car these things happen, but are you asking for trouble? I have seen car-seats n front seats and back facing seats facing frontwards, all very unsafe, but this, this takes the cake. This beats Britney holding her baby in her lap while driving.

Theme Parks

Theme parks can be a great thing for families. Not only do families spend time bonding, but many such as SeaWorld and the Zoo are also very educational for young children. However the idea sounds a lot easier than it actually is. No matter how well behaved your own children are, you need to have patience for the other people in the park. Every time I go I see at least one parent who is in over their heads. One toddler was having a meltdown and the father just walked away. I knew the father was trying to get his child to follow him but the child was not budging, being me I had to stay around and wait to make sure he wasn't really being left alone. Another mother freaked out when she saw him alone, and the father came running back explaining himself to her. I would have had the same reaction had I not seen the entire encounter. A mom that I babysit for recently took her three sons to SeaWorld and immediately after entering they were arguing and whining, even the best kids have their off days. She gave them two warnings and on the third strike they left without being there thirty minutes. I praise her for this. The fact that she stuck with her word and followed through is a hard thing to do. Sometimes you have to be stern. Outings like this are a privilege. You do not want to be the family with the kids screaming and the parents are telling their kids never to act like yours.