Saturday, January 22, 2011

kids will be kids

You know all of those commercials that make it seem like you need to do something about all of the germs your kids carry? Shut up commercials. Keep a clean home, not only because of germs, but because it is a more pleasant place to be. Your kids are going to get sick, and that is good. If your kid doesn't get sick, they do not get out enough. Let them play in the mud, let them play with other kids, send them to pre school. They may come home with chicken pox, a fever, a sore throat, or just dirty. They may come home with full blown pink eye in both eyes and an ear infection all in one day. This is part f being a parent, no one ever said parenting was easy. If someone did say that, they weren't doing it right. Anyways people get sick, people get hurt, people get dirty. It is part of life, and you need to support your kids and let them live in it. I know the couple days of having a sick kid can feel like hell, but hey, look at your child, it is so worth it.

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