Sunday, January 23, 2011

cute and crazy

First of all, do not get your child an exotic pet. If they still want a chimpanzee when they live on their own, they can get them for themselves. Dogs and cats are a handful in themselves. Especially if you have more than one pet. Personally, I live in a home, not a farm, and I do not think people should have a million pets especially if they work, and go to school. Pets need a lot of love and attention and are more work than you or your children think. Even if you had pets growing up, it is more than likely that your parents did a lot more work than you thought they did.
Is your child responsible enough to have a pet? Maybe, but most likely not. This may be a biased point, but I really am against children under 18 having their own pet. Have a family pet, but it is false hope to think your child will do everything necessary for a pet, besides of course a fish like mine Oliver and Twist. They are adorable and easy but even I waited until I was 21 to take on the responsibility of a pet.

Recently in my neighborhood there was a dog running a muck. This happens from time to time, and we pick them up, read their collar and either call their owner or just drive it home. This time was different, this dog did not have a collar. My sister and I walked the dog through our neighborhood to see if anyone recognized it, no one did. It was an adorable chocolate lab and I had half a mind to keep him. Just when I was walking him out to my car to take him to the vet to be scanned to see if maybe he was micro chipped, his owner, a boy about 16/17 years old pulled up the street, screeched into my driveway and jumped out. I wanted to lecture him on responsibilities, but I figured he would probably get the wrath of his parents upon his arrival home.
Second point- It will just become your dog. Either when your child goes off to college, (they do not allow dogs in the dorms). Or when they decide that their dog is too much work, the dog will be yours. So if you do get your child a dog, make sure you are willing to do most of the work, eventually it will happen. My sister at 16 bought a cute little Sharpei puppy that she named Francine. She loved that puppy, but when Francine became a dog, she became my dads best friend and they go on a walk EVERY morning. My dad loves Francine and even if my sister wanted to take her back now, 5 years later, I am pretty sure he wouldn't let her. LOVE HAPPENS.

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