Monday, October 4, 2010


When you first find out about your child, you imagine what that child will be like as they grow up. You do not want your child to make the same mistakes that you did, but you want them to learn from experiences. Maybe your child will be an all star athelete or maybe your child will be president. As long as they are healthy, right? However many parents have children who are not healthy, and they need love and attention, maybe even more than those children who are healthy. On last weeks episode of Private Practice there was an autistic child, the father had left the mother because it was too much for him to deal with. The mother then because of the stress of raising an autistic child alone wasprescribed medical marijuana for her chronic headaches. She gave it to her twelve year old autistic son because it was easier for her... This is ridiculous. As much stress as parenting is, I can only imagine doing it alone with an autistic child. However you do not have to be above asking for help. If you do not have family, there are so many services that can help you a couple days a week, and some at very low costs. I cannot imagine ever being that frustrated with a child, and I am so offended that this could happen. Your children may choose a lifestyle that you do not aprove of, but sometimes they are born with a special need and you need to be there for them. Every child is special, every child needs love, and every child needs attention. It may not be how you had always imagined parenting, but hey, LIFE HAPPENS.

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