Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Do not let your child learn from shows like this.
Ridiculous that these shows do so well.

The talk is awkward, there is no way to have it and be a cool parent. Sorry to be the bad news bear. Your children will learn all about sex in middle school, do not send them off into that horrible place without them knowing. You don't want you child to be the one who knows nothing, almost as much as you don't want your child to be the one who knows so much about sex that it is worrisome. Sex is a natural thing, and it is natural for your children to feel horrible talking about it with you.
When they are younger, they want to know where babies come from. You tell them mommy's belly. Sometimes that is enough, later you will have to explain how it gets there. This is when it gets complicated, how much do you tell them? It totally depends on what you think your child can handle. When your daughters go to high school, I do not care how goody two shoes she is. Make sure she knows what birth control is. And let her know that she can get it from plan parenthood for free if she does not want to have you going with her and you knowing everything about her sex life. ALSO do not assume that because your daughter asks about birth control that she is having sex. A lot of teens will ask for it when their friends start getting on it, this can be good and bad, because there are things much worse that come from sex than babies. Just be understanding, I know it is hard, but try. For your sons, teach them how to respect a girl, that is as much as you can do. And show them this...

and hopefully they do.

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