Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"a person is a person no matter how small" - Horton

All your life you have been told, or should have been told, not to judge people. Today I had a very eye opening experience. A panel of people from the LGBT community came into my class to speak about their instances of coming out and what it was like for them. I am not a very open person when it comes to my feelings, and I have so much respect for them because they shared such personal stories with us. As parents you want to know that your children are happy, you do not want them to be the kids that get made fun of, and you do not want them to be different in a negative way. Being part of the LGBT community does not need to be a negative thing. However in all of their cases, they had someone who was very close to them completely blow them off and not want to be a part of their life, sometime a friend or a sibling, but in many cases, a parent. THIS PISSES ME OFF. Everyone should have the right to love who they want and be who they want, and they should be able to be open and honest about it. I understand that when you are raising your child you have dreams and hopes, but are those things really as important as your child themselves? One guy has not spoken to his father since he came out and his father uses derogatory terms when speaking of him. I really just like to believe that people are better than this, I like to see the best in people until they prove me otherwise, and when I hear stories like these I am irate. If your parents aren't there to support you, why are they there?

This connects me to Horton in many ways. One because you shouldn't judge people for something like this, just like Horton is judged and deemed crazy for believing in the small people. Also in relation to parents, the Mayor has a misunderstood son, and then finally at the end the son is the biggest help of all, FAMILY is so important. Don't screw it up.

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