Tuesday, November 16, 2010


There is probably something still to this day that you never told your parents you did. Now think about your child doing that thing, and keeping it a secret... How does that make you feel? 
It is inevitable, rarely any child will tell their parents everything. even if they do not lie to you, they may keep some things secret. Do not freak out, do the best you can, talk to your children, let them know you are there, and do not get mad over little things. 

If your child spills milk, teach them how to clean it up, let them know that you know they are capable of overcoming little problems all by themselves. This way when they do something actually "bad", like throw a baseball through a window, they don't hide it from you because they see that you are there to help them overcome the speed bumps of life. It will lead into independence later, and then they may ask for your opinion later on. 
When your children are older it is pretty much the same thing. If you get mad because they got home 5 minutes after curfew, do you think they will tell you anything that might make you remotely disappointed? Instead of lecturing them, have a conversation, know what your kids are doing and who they are with. 
And do not be mad if your child likes to tell your spouse things but is not as comfortable telling you, that was a big thing in my house. Some things I just knew my mom would take better than my dad would, and vice versa. I knew the other would eventually find out, but one on one is sometimes a little easier than talking to a line of judges. Just because you are the boss doesn't mean you have to be bossy.

1 comment:

  1. i love this. i know parents always say, there is nothing you cant tell me. but we dont believe it. having a good open relationship with my parents is something i think we both value, especially when we see our friends lying and making up excuses for where they have been etc. ...i love kurt and rose ortiz morgan as much as i love karebear g.dadd and salamander hahaha ps: i love that drake lyrics came in handy here.
