Monday, January 26, 2015

current events

Staying in tune with things that are going on in your city, state, country and the world is important. Let me start out this rant by stating that I am not the person to ask this question to. I like knowing what is going on, but I know the headlines and a brief summary and could not give a lot of details on current events. However, talking with friends I realized how little I knew and some of them knew even less. Some of my friends, and my husband read the news every day and are very up to date. I want to be that way. I hate when I hear a conversation about a current event or issue that I know little or nothing about. I have goals to read more of the news and discuss these things with my friends and family. I think it is important to show support for your beliefs but how do you do that if you do not know what is going on. I also think friendly debates are not only appropriate, but necessary. Someone just might point out something you would not have thought of on your own. I think many people limit themselves to social issues or politics but in reality, we all should know a little about both of these things and not just what team is going to the championship for whatever sport is currently in season. My biggest challenge is asking questions, I have challenged myself to not feel dumb if I do not know what someone is talking about and to ask them to explain the issue or event to me. I'm not helping anyone by just standing idly and nodding.

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