Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Flipping Out

"When Someone steps out of line, which Jeff does, you need to call them on it."
This quote makes me realize that everyone makes mistakes, but how you deal with people is so much more important. When dealing with family and friends, you do not want to ruin those relationships. Also when dealing with people on a professional level you do not want to work with someone and have tension afterwards. It is sometimes very hard to know how to approach a problem, it is important to think before you speak. These things can and will backfire on you. When you se someone getting belittled, it is important to stick up for people. Sometimes they deserve to get a lecture, but many people take it a little farther than needed. All of this said, the show is utterly amazing, I live for it. It really has a character for everyone to relate to. Zoila is obviously my favorite, and she is my favorite person on reality television. I can say that without a second of thought. "Zoila Knows Best", should be the spin-off show of Flipping Out.

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