Monday, August 20, 2012

one thing leads to another.

So this morning my car wouldn't start. It ended up being nothing major, I just needed a new battery. however i had a work meeting, so once I jumped the car and drove it to the shop, I had to walk a mile to where the meeting was being held. I timed my morning around this and even had time to stop at a boutique and buy a birthday present for a friend and was still on time. My boss was a couple minutes late, but the lady we were meeting was almost an entire our late. She called to let us know she was running late thirty minutes AFTER we were supposed to meet, so we were already aware. I cannot state it enough times that I think being late is one of the rudest hings a person can do.
However, my one mile walk gave me a lot of time to think, about ten minutes of just quiet time. It was already very hot and I realized as I was sweating that this was kind of a disappointment. I wish that I lived in a place where I could just walk everywhere and it made me think back to a recent vacation I had in Chicago. I went with the family I nanny for, but got to spend a majority of the time with a friend doing everything a tourist could want to do. Yes as I was walking on a busy road in East county sweating all I could think of was walking through the little neighborhoods of Lincoln Park, and along the shores of Lake Michigan. My only dilemma on moving is the weather, what would I do with that thing called winter?

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